Fascilla Landscaping, Inc. has many years' of experience in the Architectural & Engineering Services, and provides Architectural & Engineering Services to a diverse range of customers throughout the region. The company is located in West Hempstead, New York. Fascilla Landscaping, Inc. has 4 years of experience in Architectural & Engineering Services
We are so happy with the services provided, including trimming and shaping all of our bushes, cleaning our plant beds, trimming our huge yew hedge, emptying our pond of leaves and other debris, clearing and roto-tilling our garden, and mowing our lawn. We used to cringe at all of the work that was overwhelming us, but now that the work is completed, everything we look at gives us an "ah" feeling of a job well done.
Pete, his assistant Emilio, and his Dad Dominic all did a fabulous job, which they can be proud of just as we are proud of the results. The work shows excellent attention to detail and design sense as well as careful execution.
The crew is courteous and eager to please.
This is a truly customer-service-oriented operation.
They used a mulching lawn mower which feeds the grass too, and it is so powerful that it moves quickly through the lawn-mowing job
I am happy to recommend Fascilla because they are the best in my experience.