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Title :

Van Scoy Diamonds

Status : Active
Location : Greensboro, North Carolina
Zip code : 27407
Category : Commercial landscaping
Date needed : As soon as possible
Date Posted : 14 Mar 2022 05:22
Viewed : 194 times
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I am in need of BIDS for the following landscaping service

We are excited to offer you the Van Scoy brand of service and fine jewelry values, in our comfortable and convenients showroom facility. While we love seeing you in person during showroom hours, we encourage you to make full use of our website 24/7 for your fine jewelry gifts. You can order direct to your home, or choose curbside or in store pick up at our store location. All orders come with the same 30 day return privileges as regular in-store purchases.


Following are BIDS for the requested Landscaping service

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